
Charcuterie Boards for Dogs surprises many people because it is a new thing for them. However, despite what everyone says, you can make Charcuterie Boards (Barkuterie Boards) for Dogs. You will surely love the reaction of your dog and the way it loves the Charcuterie Board. Why stick with dog treats when you get share a grazing board night with mans best friend?

The real question here is when can you treat your dog with a Charcuterie Board? Well, any day is a good day to treat your dog with love on a healthy day. However, you can arrange a special party for your dog on National Pet Day on the 11th of April. If you also do not know a lot about the Charcuterie Board, we will discuss everything you need to know.

What is a Charcuterie Board?

So, the general idea of a Charcuterie Board is to present food with its beauty and deliciousness presented simultaneously. It is the reason when you see a Charcuterie Board. You will not see a lot of different things presented elegantly. Usually, when we make a Charcuterie Board, there is a major display of cured meat with cheeses, nuts, spreads, and sometimes some fruits. 

What is a Charcuterie Board for dogs?

When we talk about the barkuterie board things are slightly different, but the main idea remains the same. Here you will note that the food items on the board will be those your dog takes the most interest in.

The best part is that there are no strict rules or regulations for making Charcuterie Board for your dog. You need to put more about things in the Charcuterie Board for your dog in the next part.

How to Make Charcuterie Boards for your dog?

Making a Charcuterie Board for your dog has no rules. All you need to be careful about is the portion size and the things that your dog is not allergic to. Here are some things you can make a part of your Charcuterie Board for the dog.

Meats and proteins

When adding meats and proteins, you can go for raw, baked, boiled, grilled, or any other way that you regularly give to your dog. Some of the items that you can add here are:

  • Meat (pork, goat, beef)
  • Chicken
  • Fish

Berries and fruits

Adding berries and fruits will add that sweet touch to the Charcuterie Board for your dog. Some of the fruits and berries that can go here are:

  • Watermelon
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Apple
  • Strawberries


Although some dogs do not like veggies, some like carrots, asparagus, and spinach, adding them will bring some color to the Charcuterie Board.

Dog biscuits

Do not forget to add dog biscuits to attract your dog even more. Try checking out your local dog bakery for some delicious dog treats!

Additional items

The last category includes things like cheese, whipped cream, jelly, and such things that your dog loves. Make sure to use the pure and safe form of these and only add if your dog has no issues with them.

Why should you make Charcuterie Boards for your dog?

There could be several reasons for making the Charcuterie Board for your dog, but the one on top is that you must do something special to celebrate National Pet Day. The best thing you can do is arrange a party for your dog.

National Pet Day celebrations cannot get any better.

For the 11th of April, you can plan to celebrate National Pet Day. Leave the dog treats and milk bones at home! An amazing idea will be inviting the whole puppy gang. You will surely be in contact with the parents of some of your dog's friends. Well, you can invite all of them over to your place with their pets.

It will be an amazing opportunity for you to socialize as well as your dog. Making a Charcuterie Board (Barkuterie board) for each of the pets will be an amazing way to shower them with your love.

A great way to celebrate the birthday of your dog.

Dogs love cakes and especially pup cakes(cupcakes for dogs), but they are not a complete snack for your dog. What you can do instead is make a Charcuterie Board for the dog. In this way, the birthday will become even more special for them with all of their favorite snacks and food items in one place.

A healthy way to treat your dog

One of the most important reasons for making a Charcuterie Board for your dog is that there is nothing unhealthy. All you need to consider is the portion side according to your dog's diet and put everything healthy for them, and they love to eat it. You will be surprised by how much your dog will love it.

How can the Charcuterie Boards help build a better friendship with your dog?

Making a Charcuterie Board for your dog can be one of the best things that you can try with your dogs. It can be essential for building a better friendship with your dog. Here are some ways how things may work.

Your dog will feel your love for them.

Making your dog feel that you love them is important because they will love you even more this way. Treating them with a Charcuterie Board will show your love for them.

You will learn about your dog better.

Most pet parents do not know about the likes and dislikes of their pets. Treating them with a Charcuterie Board will tell you about the things that your dog loves the most and what they do not love at all. The ones that the god eats at the end or does not eat at all will be the most unliked.

This can help in training your dog.

The reward methodology is the best for training a dog. Using different items from the Charcuterie Board can help you train your dog while building a better friendship with them.

Final Remarks:

Dogs are a part of our family, and they should get the love like everyone else. So, you must treat your dog with unconditional and additional love at times. Setting a party for your pet at the National Pet Day on 11th April or treating your dog with the Charcuterie Boards for Dogs on any other day will be an amazing gesture from your side towards your dog.