
Many cured meats are similar but have different names, like bacon, pancetta, and guanciale. Another confusing grouping is salami, salumi, and pepperoni. What’s the difference between salami, salumi, and pepperoni? Carnivore club is here to help explain!



Salumi is the Italian word that refers to the art of preserving and salting cured meat. Sausage-making, curing, and smoking meats, are all considered salumi-making. Salumi includes: prosciutto, pancetta, coppa, guanciale, spalla, lardo, lonza, sausage, salami, etc. Thus, just as all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares, all salami are salumi but not all salumi are salami.



Salami is a specific combination of meat, salt and spices. Salami has 20-30% good pork fat. It is fermented and dried with either pure pork meat or pork and beef. Smoking is added to traditional Italian salami. Salamis include: cacciatore, tartuffi, felino, calabrese, sopressata, ungherese, and salami picante.



Pepperoni developed from the Salami picante that Italian immigrants brought to America. Red pepper flakes are the main spice in pepperoni that give it its unique flavor. Black pepper is a common addition in modern pepperoni.


Whether you choose to make homemade sopressata, cook salami chips, or enjoy your carnivore club favorite as is, there’s no shortage of ways to enjoy salami, salumi, and pepperoni.